Sunday, 19 July 2015

Kaikorai Valley Church

I couldn't get any better photo's of this church, 
I was standing on a traffic island in the
 middle of a five road intersection in a city suburb.
The streets all head uphill from here
 or straight along the bottom of the valley.

joining with:
inSPIREd Sunday


  1. These are lovely photos of a very handsome church.

  2. oh my goodness sounds like a busy area of traffic. i sure hope you did stay safe. i enjoy this beauty. so fancy. ( :

  3. I posted New Zealand as well this week.
    Good job on the photos!!

  4. You did fine. I just am not sure I'd stand in the intersection of a busy road taking pictures!

  5. Nicely done. My father was a Presbyterian minister.

  6. Diana, you went beyond the call of duty! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. Like how the church is highlighted in white stone

  8. Sometimes those churches can be pesky to photograph. For me it is usually ugly utility wires. I love the white framing on the church.

  9. You did very well getting decent photos with no cars in the way.

  10. I've stood some weird places to get photos,too, and I think you did quite well!


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.