Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Demolition of an old treasure.

I believe this part was added to the main
 house when it became a rest home.

the little boys watching enjoyed this as did the big boys

I wish I had got a photo of the building before they started
 the demolition. It was built in the 1880's and was quite a grand old house. Some of the windows were saved as was the grand staircase and I hope the wrought iron work along the verandah was as well.
Since 1959 it has been operating as a rest home run by a Christian Trust. Yesterday, sad to say, the building was demolished.

joining Tom and friends for 
Tuesday's Treasures


  1. So the destruction of treasures continues all around the world. I can only imagine that will be built in it's place. Thanks Diana for joining Tuesday's Treasures this week and please stop back again.

  2. AWWWW how sad...I hate to see old buildings getting torn down...

  3. Drat, but like all of us, are earthly stay is limited.

  4. What a shame, but I guess that is just how life is.

  5. It's too bad they couldn't have just torn down that nondescript addition and still used the main house.

  6. Oh no. This is always sad to see.

  7. That's always so sad!
    Often only by disappearance we give a special attention, it is in houses as in humans also...

  8. Another piece of history vanishes. I do hope the Staircase and windows are used somewhere nice.

  9. I am always sad to see old building demolished. But I suppose that is what makes those remaining treasures.


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.