Wednesday, 30 March 2016


We saw this while out and about on our travels,
 in a side yard. I think it was for sale.

joining Tom at:

Sunday, 27 March 2016

A rural church

This church is in the little township
 of Waitahuna in Otago, New Zealand.
Waitahuna Presbyterian.

Happy Easter.

Joining with:

Sunday, 20 March 2016

St. Patrick's, Burkes Pass, N.Z.

We were driving home from Christchurch the long way, 
through the middle of the island,when we came across
 this little church in the middle of nowhere. Actually it is
 in Burkes Pass, a small village at the gateway to the 
Mackenzie Country. There are quite a few photos as 
 I found it a fascinating little church. I think it has probably 
been deconsecrated but is still available for weddings.
Enough words, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Pouhere Taonga is Maori for national (or registered) treasure.


Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Railway jiggers

The top pictures were taken by my hubby at the 
camping ground we stayed in recently.
He changed the signs around to show what
 was on them. The ones below were taken 
at the starting point  of the Otago Central Rail Trail.
Two quite different types.

joining Tom at:
Tuesday's Treasures.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

A little church at Hyde

Taken at the little settlement of Hyde, New Zealand..
I can't find any information about this church.
Taken by my husband one day while I was walking.

joining with:
inSPIREd Sunday

Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.