Saturday, 11 June 2016

Pretty in pink

Hubby has a new camera and he has been busy
playing with it learning how to use it. 
These two photos are the same roses
 taken on different settings the same day.

joining Deb and others for Friday Foto Friends


  1. Beautiful delicate blooms. I think I like the second setting best.

  2. BEAUTIFUL. Sorry, didn't mean to shout, giggling...have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  3. Those roses are gorgeous. Thanks for joining our linky this week. Have a great weekend.

  4. It's so great that you have a photo blog! I love what you have done here. I desperately need a new camera. Mine is ages old, still takes pretty good photos but I'd like to do more with it. I'm not a very good photographer but, like you, I'd like to create some discipline. How often I go somewhere with my camera and then don't take any photos! I look forward to coming her often.

  5. Hooray for the new capture-keeper! Pretty flowers abound!

  6. You really can't go wrong photographing roses! :)

  7. Beautiful roses!
    I am happy to have 'met you' through the friday foto friends!

  8. I love roses they are my favourite flowers

  9. Great example of what the right setting can do and I think playing is the best way to learn. The second image is just lovely.

  10. Oh, the feeling if a new camera!! He seems to have a good eye for shots.


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.