Tuesday, 7 October 2014

A three horse town

We had to travel south for a day recently and my husband thought we could stop at Gore for a break. It bills itself as the 'three horse town' so we decided to stop and take a look at the horses. As you can see, they are not real, although they are full size. Neither are there only three of them.

We rather enjoyed this use of an old cart wheel and old tractor seats at the site.

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Rubbish Tuesday #23


  1. Diana,
    Great table and stools. The place looks like a three horse town until a new team came to town. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Three horse or five horse, it still is an interesting place to visit.

  3. Love the tractor seats. And your title too!


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.