Saturday, 11 October 2014

Raindrops and seed pods

Until this month I didn't know there was such a thing as found still life so I don't know whether these are decent examples or not. But I thought I'd show them to you anyway. I like the middle one best when I think I was trying to work out how to use the macro setting. 
Taken at different times throughout the year while I was out playing with my camera. 
Canon Power Shot A540 mostly on auto setting.

linking with:
photo challenge - still life


  1. Very nice pictures. I would have to say that, yes, you got this challenge right. I love "found still life" as it helps us to look at the world around us with different eyes.

  2. I think they are perfect found still life examples :)

  3. I too think your photos are great examples, showing off nature's artwork.

  4. Beautiful photo's; I can't choose a favorite as I like them equally. :)

  5. Hi, sweetie, and welcome to the photo challenge! I hope you will continue to join us in the months ahead.

    Yes, you did a lovely job on the challenge. Still life can be found in nature! I particularly like the first one because of the repeating geometric shapes and monochromatic tones. And the rain drops add to the texture!

  6. What a great idea capturing raindrop on leaves...fabulous still life.

  7. Great photos. They look like lupins? Odd - autumn is just getting underway here!

  8. Nature creates it's own beautiful artwork and you certainly captured it in your found still life photos! Just lovely!

  9. Beautiful shots. I really like the water beads in your first two.

  10. Your found still life photos show so much of the richness of nature. Beautiful.

  11. I don't know what a found still life is, but I DO know what I like ;>)... and these pictures are beautiful.


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.