Saturday, 16 January 2016

Holy Trinity Port Chalmers

The last of my Port Chalmers churches. 
This one was open, unusually, so I went inside.

Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 
Port Chalmers, New Zealand.

Looking from the entrance toward the altar.

Choir stalls on left and altar with stained glass windows.

The stained glass windows on the back wall  near entrance.

The font, under the windows, with the Christmas tree.

Stained glass opposing windows on side walls.
As I was leaving I spotted this painting of the church 
just inside the door but unfortunately forgot to take down the name 
of the artist and can't quite make it out from the photo.

I wish I had thought to get snaps of the roof/ceiling
because it is really something worth taking a look at.
I have given you a little glimpse of the lower parts of it.
To find out a little more about this church you can go here.

Now here is a little bit of useless information 
(the sort of stuff that wins quizzes, my father would have said).
My husband tells me when he was growing up in Port there were 
six policemen, six churches and six pubs! 
Nowadays I think there is one permanent policeman, 
three churches and five pubs.

Sharing with:
inSPIREd Sunday


  1. What a delightful church...the windows are simple and beautiful.

  2. gorgeous stain glass. i love seeing different flags. ( :

  3. I like those narrow stained glass windows better than the big one.

  4. I also like the opposing stained glass the best.

  5. I love it when church doors are open so I can go inside and look around! Beautiful church.

  6. Love the church. Great photos. Have a great day.

  7. I like the setting of this church.

  8. Wonderful that the church was open. It's a lovely little church. I love the font and also the stained glass windows.


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.