Sunday, 31 January 2016

St. Mark's, Green Island

St Mark's is the Anglican church 
in Green Island, Dunedin, NZ.

The tower was erected approx. two years
 ago, maybe a little more, and lights up at night and 
illuminates the crosses on four sides.

Easy access with the ramp up
 from the footpath to the glass doors.
Turn left into the church and straight ahead
 to a small hall and morning tea room.
A nice little church but closed this day.

Across the road is Peter Mann House, 
the offices of the Diocese of Dunedin. 
Peter Mann was bishop from 1976 - 1990.
Dunedin diocese covers a large portion of the
 South Island and takes in all of Otago and Southland.

inSPIREd Sunday


  1. Quite an interesting glass enclosed entering way.

  2. The church is completely different from European , The tower is fantastic

  3. Very interesting church.
    I like it very much.
    Blessed Sunday.
    Greetings from Poland.

  4. I really like the photo of Peter Mann House. The big glass Cross window at the front looks really great. At first I thought it was the other end of the Church.

  5. A different sort of spire. Interesting.

  6. That lit up spire would be cool to see. A lovely understated church...

  7. Beautiful glass doors! Does Dunedin rhyme with Gunga Din? I always need to know these things. Lol. Nice post.


Feeling blessed.

 Picked fresh from friends gardens and given to us.  We'd already cooked and eaten some when I thought to take a photo.